(1 Peter 1:15; 1 John 3:3).(S. In the first creation who helped God? And a critical part of that purpose is One Mission, this ministry reconciliation. Fourthly, it was the virtue and efficacy of the Spirit of God which gave the natural world its being by creation (Genesis 1:2). Well, first of all, because God is the one who made us. It would be much more difficult to find a gradual conversion in Scripture than a sudden one.4. The new creature is enlightened to see that which he never saw. 2 Corinthians 5:17 A New Person in Christ A few years ago, a story in a national American magazine described a couple who "adopted" two wolves. (3) Hope. 1. Behold he prayeth! "(4) We cannot arrive at Heaven (Revelation 21:27). Surely it would have been very hard for a man to have imagined it.Inference 5. And yet the text tells you that there are new creatures upon earth, fruits that have freshness and bloom of Eden about them, life with the dew of its youth upon it; and these new creatures are Christian men. This morning, are you longing for the “new creation”? Its author. With admiration, for its excellence. A drunkard may become sober, and many persons of debauched habits regular; and yet their changes may not amount to regeneration. Principally an inward change. Now he has embraced Him in the warm affections of his heart, as his comfort, and hope, and portion for ever. Affections. which is a note of attention, of wonder, and of admiration. On the contrary, we may hence learn what cause regenerate souls have to bless God for the day wherein they were born.Inference 3. A convert once said, "Either the world is altered or else I am." A new creation is a root-and-branch change; not an alteration of the walls only, but of the foundation; not a new figuring of the visible tapestry, but a renewal of the fabric itself. In his prospects.(S. It is called the "law of the mind" (Romans 7:23), it beginning first in the illumination of that faculty as sin began first in a false judgment made of the precept of God, "You shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." The Ethiopian might change his skin, the leopard his spots; but the leopard would remain a leopard, and the Ethiop would still be black at heart. (2) "All things are become new." Spurgeon. II. The next state, "in Christ," leadeth to the third, with Christ, which is the state of glory.1. (3) Hope. Just so it is with the new creation (Jude 1, "Preserved in Christ Jesus," and 1 Peter 1:5). This new creation is a translation from death to life (1 John 3:14). Thirdly, the man in Christ is renewed in his practice and conversation; the manner of operation always follows the nature of beluga. 2. If the new creation be a sound evidence of our interest in Christ, then let me persuade all that are in Christ to evidence themselves to be so, by walking as it becomes new creatures. (3) They once saw no great evil in sin; but it now appears an evil and bitter thing. A HABIT. III. The water turns at once to wine, the fig-tree immediately withers away, the loaves and fishes are at once multiplied in the hands of the disciples. Why the regenerating work of the Spirit is called a new creation. A new creature hath a law put into his heart (Jeremiah 31:23; cf. Wherever the new creature is formed, there a man's course and conversation is changed (Ephesians 4:22).2. A CHANGE.1. 15-16. But if those who are in Christ are new creatures, what greater change can be desired? As melted metal poured into a mould loses its former form, and puts on a new shape, the same figure with the mould into which it is poured; the soul, which before was a servant of sin, and had the image of the law of sin, being melted by the Spirit, is cast into the figure and form of the law.V. 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1 New Testament Puritanism. AND, when that happens, God calls us to “be prepared to give defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you” (I Peter 3:15). A common change to all the children of God. There was a time when he avoided the society of the pious, when he loved the associations of the worldly. Understanding, will, conscience, affections, all were corrupted by sin, all are renewed by grace.5. Before a man is converted he is condemned, but when he receives spiritual life we read "there is therefore now no condemnation," etc. Fourthly, we will demonstrate the necessity of this new creation to all that are in Christ, and by Him do attain salvation; and the necessity of the new creature will appear divers ways. Daily we need to repent and admit that we are too willing to resurrect our old ways. Fourthly, be convinced that multitudes of religious duties may be performed by men, in whom the new creature was never formed.Next, therefore, let me persuade every man to try the state of his own heart in this matter. It's both short ans sweet, isn't it? Living for a new person, with that new perspective, manifests itself in a life of ministry, specifically, the “ministry of reconciliation”. Look at verse 16, the verse the precedes our main verse. If none but new creatures be in Christ, how small a remnant among men belong to Christ in this world!Inference 6. The Samaritan woman, Zacchaeus, Matthew, the three thousand at Pentecost, the Philippian jailer. The woman, bowed down with infirmity eighteen years, was marvellously changed when she stood upright; but she was the same woman. And this reformation is sometimes so remarkable that it is taken notice of, and admired by others. "How do we conic to be there? It is impossible to conceive a new creature without new habits. It is hardly necessary to affirm this after what has been already said, It is a work of God; a new creation; a passing from death unto life, a being born again, a translation out of darkness into marvellous light, a resurrection.VI. NT Sermon Outlines. Speaker: Bryce Morgan Series: The Essentials: One Lord, Topic: Seventhly, the new creature is an heavenly creature; "It is not born of flesh, nor of blood, nor of the will of man, but of God" (John 1:13); its descent is heavenly. AS A REQUISITION UPON THE SINNER. It is hardly necessary to affirm this after what has been already said, It is a work of God; a new creation; a passing from death unto life, a being born again, a translation out of darkness into marvellous light, a resurrection.VI. The mind and affections of the new creature are set upon heavenly and spiritual things (Colossians 3:1, 2; Ephesians 4:23; Romans 8:5).4. In his associates. From many other works of God. It is not baptism makes a Christian; many are no better than baptised heathens.2. First, where all the saving graces of the Spirit are, there interest in Christ must needs be certain; and where the new creature is, there all the saving graces of the Spirit are. Introduction We are hearing so much today about the "new normal." We all know the post-pandemic era will not be the same as the pre-pandemic era. It is not to obtain a good reputation among men. It is inconvenient to be without gold; it is miserable to be without health, without a friend, without reputation, but to be without Christ is the worst lack in all the world. Now there has been a total revolution in all his intercourse with men. But what exactly does it mean to be new? They dare not now live in sin. COMFORT of God,Chapters 1—7 (Christian living) A. The new creature is born from above; all its tendencies are heavenward. Sixthly, the same power which created the world still supports it in its being: the world owes its conservation, as well as its existence, to the power of God. A longing frame of spirit accompanies the new creation; the desires of the soul are ardent after Christ.Thirdly, weigh well the effects and consequents of the new creature, and consider whether such fruits as these are found in your hearts and lives.1. Affections. before. This arises very much from a change of man's judicial state before God. But their embrace probably depends on removing roadblocks in their relationship. Nevins, D. D.I. From hence, then, we are informed —Inference 1. The matter is one about which I feel it a weariness to argue, because these wonders of grace happen daily before our eyes, and it is like trying to prove that the sun rises in the morning.III. (1) In the character (Romans 6:17, 22; Colossians 3:9; Galatians 5:24). Surely it would have been very hard for a man to have imagined it.Inference 5. It is not so in the new. H. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come”. Yet, as there is a time when the sun rises, so is there a time of new birth. So in the miracles of Christ. It inserts a new mainspring. The spring and wheels of the clock must be mended before the hand of the dial will stand right.II. Principally an inward change. Therefore if any of you find that your religion is not universally influential, you may conclude that it is vain.IV. So in the miracles of Christ. You are a “new creation” in the sense that you are part of THE “new creation” that God is ushering in, through Jesus, for the transformation of all things. This is a work of the greatest rarity. A convert once said, "Either the world is altered or else I am." A longing frame of spirit accompanies the new creation; the desires of the soul are ardent after Christ.Thirdly, weigh well the effects and consequents of the new creature, and consider whether such fruits as these are found in your hearts and lives.1. A universal change of the whole man, It is a new creature, not only a new power or new faculty. It is impossible to conceive a new creature without new habits. Its nature and connections. The excellency of the new creature. Thus his heart has become right in the sight of God. The reputation of the NIGTC series is so outstanding that the appearance of each new volume is noteworthy. This book on 2 Corinthians is no exception. Can you conceive of any language more plainly descriptive of a most solemn change?3. —I. WHAT A CHANGE! The Word of God speaks of this inward change as —(1) a birth (John 1:12, 13 ; 1 John 5:1). A drunkard may become sober, and many persons of debauched habits regular; and yet their changes may not amount to regeneration. Surely it would have been very hard for a man to have imagined it.Inference 5. Sixthly, the new creature is an immortal creature (John 4:14). And the change in these respects has been so entire as to justify the statement that he who has undergone it is a new creature. Have your vain spirits been composed to the greatest seriousness and most solemn consideration of things eternal, as the hearts of all those are whom God regenerates?2. What evils other changes restrain or abate, this eradicates; and this communicates the reality of the good, of which they do but put on this appearance.III. What is the kind of sympathy we have with Christ? Its author. If the new creation be a sound evidence of our interest in Christ, then let me persuade all that are in Christ to evidence themselves to be so, by walking as it becomes new creatures. These remarks are sufficient to show the propriety of representing man's moral change as a "creation." There must be a time when a man ceases to be an unbeliever and becomes a believer in Jesus. Why the regenerating work of the Spirit is called a new creation. (b)Noah's ark was a type of Christ. Have your vain spirits been composed to the greatest seriousness and most solemn consideration of things eternal, as the hearts of all those are whom God regenerates?2. Where one trait of the Christian character is found, there they are all found. Nothing can be changed from a state of corruption to a state of purity without them.IV. It is a clean heart David desires, not only clean hands (Psalm 51:10). On the contrary, we may hence learn what cause regenerate souls have to bless God for the day wherein they were born.Inference 3. 18 Since many boast according to the flesh, I too will boast. (2) A quickening (Ephesians 1:19; Ephesians 2:1). In this, true Christianity consists. For the new perspective of the new creation, through which we live for a new person, reveals that... 3. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. Its nature and connections. AN ADMIRABLE CHANGE. In the first creation who helped God? So the sovereign will of God creates men heirs of grace. 2 Corinthians 8:1-15 When God Owns it All! Adam stood for us. Fourthly, this new creation is the most necessary work that ever God wrought upon the soul of man: the eternal well-being of his soul depends upon it; and without it no man shall see God (Hebrews 12:14; John 1:3-5). In the personal relations which he sustains. Sometimes you will give in to that temptation, sometimes you will resist. The spring and wheels of the clock must be mended before the hand of the dial will stand right.II. There are three stages of the soul. They were once angry with those who were a hindrance to them in sin; but they now love and thank them. A PERMANENT CHANGE. A new creature hath a law put into his heart (Jeremiah 31:23; cf. Fourthly, be convinced that multitudes of religious duties may be performed by men, in whom the new creature was never formed.Next, therefore, let me persuade every man to try the state of his own heart in this matter. There is no prohibition, no legal barrier interposed to prevent any one being in Christ. Heaven is not like Noah's ark — that received clean and unclean. how much more then in his restoration! The things which once moved their fear, were the threats of men, the frowns of the world, etc. (c)Christ is God's eternal city of refuge, and we, having offended, flee for our lives and enter where vengeance cannot reach us. We have been reconciled to God. (2) We are new creatures through being in Christ. Thirdly, creation is out of nothing; it requires no pre-existent matter. (3) Hope. Conversion is often so surrounded by restraining grace that it appears to be a very gradual thing, and the rising of the sun of righteousness in the soul is comparable to the dawning of day, with a grey light at first, and a gradual increase to a noonday splendour. Fifthly, the Word of God was the instrument of the first creation (Psalm 33:6-9). First, the Scripture speaks of it as a thing of great difficulty to be conceived by man (John 3:8). Have these convictions overturned your vain confidences, and brought you to inward distress of soul.Secondly, consider the concomitant frames and workings of spirit, which ordinarily attend the production of the new creature.1. How otherwise can we be the lights of the world? (2) A quickening (Ephesians 1:19; Ephesians 2:1). Hebrews 8:10). I want to speak to you on this subject, Give Me That New Time Religion. They dare not now live in sin. III. It is called the "law of the mind" (Romans 7:23), it beginning first in the illumination of that faculty as sin began first in a false judgment made of the precept of God, "You shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." We view our friends from a different stand-point. The loving-kindness displayed in making it. In the 2000 film “The Family Man”, Nicholas Cage plays Jack Campbell, a materialistic, cunning Wall Street playboy who experiences a kind of “It's a Wonderful Life” glimpse of the life he could have known had he stayed with his college sweetheart, instead of chasing his business ambitions. H. His comforts and joys come to him from above. For some that sounds "high and mighty." But this passage says otherwise. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 - [16] So we do not lose heart. The old has passed away. Our light affliction is (in part) how God has prepared us. A VISIBLE CHANGE — "Behold." First, from the positive and express will of God revealed in Scripture. WE ARE COMMISSIONED FOR MINISTRY Vss. A PERMANENT CHANGE. Secondly, though a great change be wrought, yet much natural corruption still remains for their humiliation. The new creature continually opposes and conflicts with the motions of sin in the heart (Galatians 5:17).3. From experience. How devout were the Pharisees! 2 Samuel 1:1,17-27; Psalm 130; 2 Corinthians 8:7-15; Mark 5:21-43 (Between June 19 and June 25 Inclusive) Sermon and Liturgy For Ordinary 12 - Proper 7 - Year B The loving-kindness displayed in making it. This may be accomplished by man's own exertions. If you would have me admire some fine piece of architecture, or some magnificent painting, inspire me first with a love for the artist. In this passage, Paul continues to lay out his own personal . Christ is the ark of God provided against the day of judgment, and we are in Him. A change quite contrary to the former frame. (5) A "passing from death unto life" (1 John 3:14; John 5:24). (2) We are new creatures through being in Christ. A universal change of the whole man, It is a new creature, not only a new power or new faculty. Nothing short of a new creation can constitute any man a Christian.1. They dare not now live in sin. People object to the doctrine that men are saved by faith in Christ on the ground that there must be a great moral change. Faith in Jesus.3. They were once angry with those who were a hindrance to them in sin; but they now love and thank them. Miracles of healing were as a rule instantaneous.2. All of us come to a point when we want that which will be harmful to us. What evils other changes restrain or abate, this eradicates; and this communicates the reality of the good, of which they do but put on this appearance.III. They now fear God's displeasure more than anything else. The below Bible study on New Life from 2 Corinthians 5:17 takes a close look at the new life we have in Christ. (3) He has received a principle of Divine grace within him, which shall flourish and increase for ever.3. (3) Paul describes us as being in Christ also as the stone is in the building. There is a passing away of the old things, and a coming in their place of new. It consists in an inward conformity of the heart to the law. The new creature continually opposes and conflicts with the motions of sin in the heart (Galatians 5:17).3. He that prayed yesterday with joy, shall pray in fifty years' time, if he be on earth, with the selfsame delight. (c) Even the metaphor of resurrection does not go so far as the language of the text. This they once placed on the creature; but they now place it on the Creator. John 1:38-51. There is a change without as the expression and effect of a change within. THIS NEWNESS FURNISHES A TEST. A Y2K Plan For Your Valley - 2 Corinthians 4:8-18 The Judgment Seat Of Christ - 2 Corinthians 5:10 Staying Separate In A Connected World - 1 Corinthians 6:14-7:1 . This visibility will appear —1. Only the pure in heart shall see God.4. All the creatures we now see are old and antiquated. He is thus new in relation to God. The new creature is begotten; begotten, then, in the likeness of the begetter, which is God. We must seem to be religious as well as be so actually. If a dead man were restored to life, he might not be able to say exactly when life began, but there is such a moment. Why the regenerating work of the Spirit is called a new creation. Fifthly, there is great difference and variety found in the natural tempers and constitutions of the regenerate; some are of a more melancholy, fearful, and suspicious temper than others, and are therefore much longer held under doubtings.Inference 7. and this conversion was to be a pattern (1 Timothy 1:15, 16). The Ethiopian might change his skin, the leopard his spots; but the leopard would remain a leopard, and the Ethiop would still be black at heart. THIS CHANGE IS FREQUENTLY VERY MARKED AS TO ITS TIME AND CIRCUMSTANCES. New relations. II Corinthians 10:10... For they say, “His letters are weighty and strong, but his bodily presence is weak, and his speech of no account.”. (3) Hope. "(1) The object to be obtained marks this necessity for a new creation. Fourthly, we will demonstrate the necessity of this new creation to all that are in Christ, and by Him do attain salvation; and the necessity of the new creature will appear divers ways. 2 Corinthians 5:18-21 Reconciliation. THE INWARD FRAME OF MIND. Charnock, B. D.)Links2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV2 Corinthians 5:17 NASB2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV2 Corinthians 5:17 Bible Apps2 Corinthians 5:17 Parallel2 Corinthians 5:17 Biblia Paralela2 Corinthians 5:17 Chinese Bible2 Corinthians 5:17 French Bible2 Corinthians 5:17 German Bible2 Corinthians 5:17 CommentariesBible Hub, (c)An opposition against all old things; a Christian not only complains of sin, but fights against it (Galatians 5:17). Christ is his Substitute, has borne his sins, has made complete satisfaction for his guilt. Ahab may humble himself, but he is Ahab still. Secondly, to conclude: where all the causes of an interest in Christ are found, and all the effects and fruits of an interest in Christ do appear, there, undoubtedly, a real interest in Christ is found; but wherever you find a new creature, you find all the causes and all the effects of an interest in Christ. THE "HOPEFUL" NATURE OF PAUL'S MINISTRY (1-10) A. What evils other changes restrain or abate, this eradicates; and this communicates the reality of the good, of which they do but put on this appearance. First, the same almighty Author who created the world created also this work of grace in the soul of man (2 Corinthians 4:6). So this also in the second creation; nothing delights God more than the works of grace in the souls of His people. Remarkable freshness. Found inside – Page 127SERMON APPROACHES WITH ILLUSTRATIONS Lesson 1: Joshua 5:9-12 Sermon Title: ... Lesson 2: 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 Sermon Title: New Creatures In Christ Sermon ... SUGGESTED PASSAGE: 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 "Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. First, from the positive and express will of God revealed in Scripture. how much more then in his restoration!2. 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