What are synonyms for EQUIVALENTLY? two houses equivalent in market value Found inside – Page 325As mentioned before, Definition 6 has similarities with both weak and strong bisimulation. Accordingly, we give two ... Characterization The faster-than preorder may be equivalently defined by varying conditions (1) to (4) as follows. Found inside – Page 31Def. 79. (Order ideal). Let P be a poset. A subset I of P is called an order ideal (or simply an ideal) if: (1) I is a ... if f(X) is cofinal in P. The least cardinality of a cofinal set of P is called the cofinality of P. Equivalently, ... or equivalently. Also find a similar words the begin with the same characters, end with the same characters, anagrams, reverse anagrams, word scrambles and words with similar letters. How to use equivalent in a sentence. Learn more. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionary “Epidemic” vs. “Pandemic” vs. “Endemic”: What Do These Terms Mean? Found inside – Page 9For any Banach algebra with a unit and any new multiplication defined on the underlying Banach space which possesses a unit Definitions 2.6 and 2.7 are equivalent i. e. e from Definition 2.6 and e from Definition 2. more Capitalization Definition Found inside – Page 12where the substitution of the constant t e M(k) for the variable i is defined recursively as usual, ... i.e. not on M. Observe first that Trap(Ns) can be equivalently defined using only the minimal marked traps of Ns, which, by Lemma 4, ... If two things are basically the same, you can say that they're the equivalent of each other. See more. Before stating the formal definition of a limit, we must introduce a few preliminary ideas. Found inside – Page 7Note that L in (1.1) can be equivalently defined as L △= D − A, where D △= [dij ] ∈ Rp×p is the in-degree matrix given as dij = 0, i = j, and dii = ∑ pj=1 aij, i = 1,...,p. Also note that for directed graphs, the definition of the ... (3.7.8) on Ω and with values in the Nd × Nd matrices will be called the "kinetic matrix" for the scalar product of Eq. Definition. See more. : 2. something that has the same amount…. How to use equivalency in a sentence. If the degree is zero ( i.e., p = 0), these basis functions are all step functions and this is . It was 2015, and he had just won the first Formula E championship, the electrical equivalent of Formula 1. The sponsorship eventually became a branded content deal, with videos produced by Courageous’s CNN International equivalent but published to Great Big Story’s site and social channels. For water service, one EDU shall be considered to be equivalent to a ¾-inch meter, and is also typically considered to be equivalent to 650 gallons per day ( gpd) for planning pur- poses. In an equivalent manner; equally. What does equivalently mean? same, selfsame, very, identical, equivalent, equal mean not different or not differing from one another. Minimum Wage: A minimum wage is the lowest wage per hour that a worker may be paid, as mandated by federal law. The deal, if finalized, is expected to be announced over the coming weeks and would value CityFibre at more than £2 billion, In Zamfara State, where 19 persons including 15 students were abducted from a school on Sunday, local media reported Wednesday that their abductors demanded a ransom. Found inside – Page 129Given a Hodge decomposition (HZ ,Hp,q) of weight n, we define a decreasing filtration F by subspaces of HC: FpHC ... Hence, we obtain an equivalent definition of Hodge decompositions which play an important role in the development of ... equivalent [e-kwiv´ah-lent] 1. of equal value or force. Found inside – Page 20Equivalently: Definition 3.2. Two quadratic fields F, F are called translation equivalent if there exists x ∈ T such that wx (F) and F are equivalent, i.e. wx (F) = F + c for some c ∈ R. 3.3. Translation equivalence between ... Equivalency definition is - equivalence. The minimum wage is a legally mandated price floor on hourly wages, below which non . Quick definitions from WordNet (equivalent) noun: the atomic weight of an element that has the same combining capacity as a given weight of another element; the standard is 8 for oxygen noun: a person or thing equal to another in value or measure or force or effect or significance etc ("Send two dollars or the equivalent in stamps") adjective: being essentially equal to something ("A wish that . equivalently (comparative more equivalently, superlative most equivalently) . Scores are expressed as grades and how many months . Understanding this definition is the key that opens the door to a better understanding of calculus. Having similar or identical effects. Equivalent adjective (mathematics) Relating to the corresponding elements of an equivalence relation. Equivalent definition, equal in value, measure, force, effect, significance, etc. 2.5.2 Apply the epsilon-delta definition to find the limit of a function. Chebyshev Polynomials - Definition and Properties. b. Found inside – Page 93Multiple standard and equivalent definitions of periodicity are often used interchangeably. ... Equivalently, the following definition is also used for k-periodicity. Definition 2. We say string S has k-period p if Δ(S[1,n − p],S[p + 1 ... Equivalently, if you walk near the edge on the positive side of the surface in the direction corresponding to the orientation of boundary, then surface must be to your left and the edge must be to your right. Found inside – Page 85Definition : A finite group G is called a B-group over k if |G| # 0 in k, and if for any non trivial normal subgroup N of G, the constant mo,N ts equal to zero in k, or equivalently Def:/Ne: = 0 in kB(G/N). The class of all B-groups ... Found inside – Page 553.4 Mellin Transform and Weighted Sobolev Spaces The Mellin transform of a function f(a) e CŞe (RL) is defined by ... Taking this onto account, one sees, that the spaces introduced in Definition 3.4.1 could be equivalently defined as ... having the same extent, as a triangle and a square of equal area. Equivalent Dwelling Unit or " EDU " means a unit of meas- urement for water service or sewer service. Having similar or identical effects. 2. The new paper, written by public health and veterinary officials, is essentially the equivalent of a contact-tracing report done for mink. It only takes a minute to sign up. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. The i -th B-spline basis function of degree p, written as Ni,p ( u ), is defined recursively as follows: The above is usually referred to as the Cox-de Boor recursion formula . Under patent law, a patentee may bring a claim for infringement against the inventor of an equivalent. (of two equations or inequalities) having the same set of solutions. Quantifying Closeness. Found inside – Page 81Channels Definition 1.1. ([12] p. 137) Let M1 and M2 be two Wo-algebras. A linear map A* from M2 to M1 is said to be a channel if it is completely positive, unital (i.e. identity preserving) and normal (or, equivalently, ... Equivalently adverb. Recall that the distance between two points and on a number line is given by .. It is called grade equivalent because it uses grades of school (second grade, third grade, etc.) Jump to navigation Jump to search. What is the meaning of EQUIVALENTLY? Note: . Equivalent definition, equal in value, measure, force, effect, significance, etc. I haven't taken English 202, but I took an, The league added the 12-year-old Bambino division, the age, Instead, the foreign policy establishment almost universally saw 9/11 as a call to arms. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! lent (ĭ-kwĭv′ə-lənt) adj. took the same route Labor Market The labor market is the place where the supply and . Grade equivalent norms are a scale of measurement used to rate a student's progress in different academic areas in relation to other students. identical may imply selfsameness or suggest absolute agreement in all details. Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). If two things are basically the same, you can say that they're the equivalent of each other. Found inside – Page 254Definition 8. The expanded form of a potential φ constructed in a given instance of VE(C,X) is said to be in normal form, if all marginalizations take ... By definition, the expandedform can be equivalently rewritten into normalform. (3.7.1) or, equivalently, for a system of N points in R d, with masses m 1,.,m N > 0, "relative to the local system of regular coordinates (U, Ξ) in R Nd . 3. see equivalent weight. equivalently definition in English dictionary, equivalently meaning, synonyms, see also 'equivalent',equivalency',equivalence',equivocally'. Found inside – Page 32Definition 1.39 A set A is called finite having n elements ifA is equipotent (equivalent) to {1, 2, ..., n}. Then n is called cardinality of A. The empty set is also considered finite having cardinality 0. Sets which are not finite are ... 47 synonyms for equivalent: equal, counterpart, correspondent, twin, peer, parallel, match . 2.5.4 Use the epsilon-delta definition to prove the limit laws. Find 71 ways to say EQUIVALENTLY, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. ≤ 1 5 0 0 n e u t r o p h i l s m m ³. Accessed 5 Sep. 2021. is defined as an absolute neutrophil count (ANC) of. equal shares in the business. That’s up from the 56mm equivalent found in the 12 Pro and previous iPhones. definition. Found inside – Page 52Definition 3. Definition A is total in 7'2-structure IO IOAt I IOAT. The aim of an inductive definition is to define ... We will define that 7'-structure I satisfies A, or equivalently, that A is true in I (denoted I [I A) if A is total ... We can define intersection first and generalized . Equivalent definition is - equal in force, amount, or value; also : equal in area or volume but not superposable. So in this case, we see that every . Equivalent definition: If one amount or value is the equivalent of another, they are the same. Illustrated definition of Equivalent: Having the same value. : His silence is equivalent to an admission of guilt. Found inside – Page 267In this section we provide various equivalent definitions of van der Corput sets in Zk. In particular, ... Definition 2.1 A subset H Zk nf0g is a vdC set if any family .xn/n2Nk of real numbers is u.d. mod 1 provided that it has the ... SplashLearn is an award winning math learning program used by more than 40 Million kids for fun math practice. Fresh and stored red blood cell transfusion equivalently induce subclinical pulmonary gas exchange deficit in normal humans Anesth Analg . Examples: 1 Dollar is equivalent to 100 cents 120 seconds. Found inside – Page 259Remark A.1 Firstly, note that the definition of rank applies to any m×n matrix and is not restricted to square ... but the rank the rank can be equivalently defined in terms of linearly independent rows and it can be shown (see, ... Full Time Equivalent (FTE) refers to the unit of measurement equivalent to an individual - worker or student - one unit of a work or school day, applicable in a variety of contexts. Information and translations of equivalue in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. What made you want to look up equivalent? The definition is extended to infinite binary sequences and it is shown that the non random sequences form a maximal constructive null set. : His silence is equivalent to an admission of guilt. ADVERTISEMENT. identical results Found inside – Page 45Depending on the nature of the problem under consideration, there exist various definitions of controllability and ... The system (4.1) is point-wise controllable (or equivalently, defined as fixed-time completely controllable in ... EQUIVALENTLY 'EQUIVALENTLY' is a 12 letter word starting with E and ending with Y Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for EQUIVALENTLY We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word equivalently will help you to finish your crossword today. c. (of two sets) having the same cardinal number. full time equivalent (FTE) the equivalent of one full time staff member; a total number of full . In an equal manner. Found inside – Page 146be equivalently defined using the notion of Dalal's distance on the symmetrical set differences of the interpretation of ... the list of postulates presented in Figure 1 is not appropriate for operators defined through Definition 11. Like, studying advanced physics is the equivalent of banging your head against the wall. equivalent weights (plural noun). Equivalently, an event . Equivalent adjective (chemistry) Having the equal ability to combine. Found inside – Page 956(a) Class YV (Nondeterministic polynomial-time): The YV class of languages has already been defined within the context of a NTM. This class can also be equivalently defined as the family of languages that can be accepted in ... For each edge, roll the equivalent of a three-sided die and apply whichever color comes up. Equal, as in value, force, or meaning. Go To The Definition Find below definitions and meanings of Equivalently. Capable of being put into a one-to-one relationship. Grade 1 neutropenia. Found inside – Page 95D Definition 3.7. A second-order tangent-linear (equivalently, adjoint) projection (A, u, v) = (v, u, A) e R" of a symmetric 3-tensor A, as defined in Definition 3.5, in directions u, v e R" is defined as a first-order tangent-linear ... It is also . Being essentially equal, all things considered: a wish that was equivalent to a command. The heavily armored knight on his great armored horse has been called the Middle Ages' equivalent of the army tank. Modern democracies have institutions and offices that are roughly equivalent to those found in others: the president of the United States has his British equivalent in the prime minister, for instance, and the U.S. Congress finds its equivalent in the British Parliament. 1. a. ©2021 Reverso-Softissimo. : His silence is equivalent to an admission of guilt. The definition of small cap can vary among brokerages, but generally, it is a company with a market capitalization of between $300 million and $2 billion. Found inside – Page 9We begin with the following: Definition 2.3.1. ... Then the Hausdorff o-measure of E is defined to be: H*(E) = lin, inf (Yanor |{E}}k is an e-covering of e) ... We may equivalently define dim(E) as dim(E) = inf{o - 0 | Ho (E) = 0}. Having virtually identical or . The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize 1; adjective unequivalently Geometry. Definition of internal node, possibly with links to more information and implementations. Five-gallon buckets of food usually take the equivalent of 1,500 to 2,000cc of product. The formal definition of a limit is quite possibly one of the most challenging definitions you will encounter early in your study of calculus; however, it is well worth any effort you make to reconcile it with your intuitive notion of a limit. the very point I was trying to make Definition of equivalue in the Definitions.net dictionary. RS - Chapter 1 - Random Variables 6/14/2019 4 Definition The σ-algebra generated by Ω, denoted Σ, is the collection All rights reserved. Aspelmeyerâs group says that the spread in their particleâs position is only 1.3 times that of the zero-point motion, Post the Definition of equivalent to Facebook, Share the Definition of equivalent on Twitter, âIn Vino Veritasâ and Other Latin Phrases to Live By, A Thoughtful Guide to Words About Nonsense. In general the series (16.2.1) diverges for all nonzero values of z.However, when one or more of the top parameters a j is a nonpositive integer the series terminates and the generalized hypergeometric function is a polynomial in z.Note that if -m is the value of the numerically largest a j that is a nonpositive integer, then the identity | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples 3. Mathematics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for people studying math at any level and professionals in related fields. Empirical Rule: Definition, Formula, and Uses. The empirical rule in statistics, also known as the 68-95-99.7 rule, states that for normal distributions, 68% of observed data points will lie inside one standard deviation of the mean, 95% will fall within two standard deviations, and 99.7% will occur within three standard deviations. By now you have progressed from the very informal definition of a limit in the introduction of this chapter to the . I would like to report: section : a spelling or a grammatical mistake . anxiety-equivalent translation of anxiety into a kind of emotional activity, e.g., the experiencing or expression of angry feelings. adverb. Found inside – Page 443Hence the interior of X is equivalently defined as the set of points in X such that we can put some open ball around x and stay entirely within X. (A corresponding equivalent definition of closure follows in a few pages.) ... The Other in Being and Nothingness alienates or objectifies us (in this work Sartre seems to use these terms equivalently) and the third party is simply this Other writ large.. Jean-Paul Sartre. . b. having the same or a similar effect or meaning, (of two geometric figures) having a particular property in common; equal, (of two equations or inequalities) having the same set of solutions, (of two sets) having the same cardinal number, (of two propositions) having an equivalence between them, English Collins Dictionary - English Definition & Thesaurus. : In some ways their prime minister is equivalent to our president. The employer shall administer a continuing, effective hearing conservation program, as described in paragraphs (c) through (o) of this section, whenever employee noise exposures equal or exceed an 8-hour time-weighted average sound level (TWA) of 85 decibels measured on the A scale (slow response) or, equivalently, a dose of fifty percent. Found inside – Page 12Definition 1.3.1 Suppose the binary operation “V,” “A” is defined on a nonempty set L, if the property is ... The lattice can be equivalently defined by the partial order, so we can use (L, s) to represent a lattice in the future. Found inside – Page 19C' with points q; in S equivalent to C. We may use the definitions of av and of v -- w in T(p) to give corresponding definitions in S at p. The vectors in S at p now form a vector space V(p). Using this vector space, we may define ... In $\mathsf{ZFC}$ (in fact just because of Axiom of Foundation), we have $\forall x(x\notin x)$ as you said.. First, the definition of generalized intersection which you give is clearly circular and hence false. . Definition and high quality example sentences with "equivalently" in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English 2. equivalent definition: 1. having the same amount, value, purpose, qualities, etc. Find 62 ways to say IDENTICALLY, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. equivalent meaning: 1. having the same amount, value, purpose, qualities, etc. “Equivalent.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/equivalent. 2.5.3 Describe the epsilon-delta definitions of one-sided limits and infinite limits. equal or interchangeable in value, quantity, significance, etc. The definition of persistent excitation is revisited so as to address some possible confusion in the adaptive control literature. In an equal manner. Found inside – Page 91Clearly, Ro can be equivalently defined in PDL plus the converse operator. This suggests that CPDLA from Definition 2.4 will be useful to provide reduction axioms for this operation. But first, here are some of its properties. Particular decrees, containing simply an authentic interpretation of a universal law, are called equivalently universal.. b. Definition of equivalently in English: equivalently. Found insideThus the space 9/o, - 0, can be equivalently defined as the set of all infinitely differentiable functions satisfying (3.3.3). Similar to the particular case % = Q, the space so for > 0 can be introduced in the form of a countable union ... : His silence is equivalent to an admission of guilt. b. RCW, but may include other equivalently reliable forms of authentication as adopted by local court rule or general order." House Bill 1908, Chapter 132, Laws of 2019, repealed RCW 19.34.020 effective July 28, 2019, and moved the definition of "digital signature" to other statutes. It is then shown that persistent excitation of the reference model only implies local persistent excitation (weak persistent excitation). Using the IQR formula, we need to find the values for Q3 and Q1. Both of the definitions for intersection $\cap$ and generalized intersection $\bigcap$ are underlying Axiom of Comprehension. ≤ 1 5 0 0 n e u t r o p h i l s μ l. \leq 1500\ \frac {\text {neutrophils}} {\mu l} ≤ 1500 μlneutrophils. Which of the following animals has a dog in its etymology. Equivalently E*quiv"a*lent*ly, adv. Being essentially equal, all things considered: a wish that was equivalent to a command. Found inside – Page 530The mapping for the symmetric system is defined equivalently, defining symmetric residues modulo m: Definition 8.2.2 The mapping 〈·〉m : Z → Sm is defined by 〈a〉m = r ∈ Smfora ∈ Z if and only if a ≡ r (mod m). This definition agrees with the above on metric spaces, but it also works for uniform spaces and, most generally, for Cauchy spaces. Shell is said to be a channel equivalently definition it is not difficult to understand usage the! Corresponding elements of an equivalent Formula, we must introduce a few pages. receive the of. Follows in a few pages. called equivalently universal hour that a worker may be interpreted as: and distance! Thermodynamics deals with the English definition dictionary definition of closure follows in a few preliminary ideas may be paid as. Expression of angry feelings see equivalent & # x27 ; re the equivalent of a function,.: equal in value, purpose, qualities, etc. ; on this Page, discuss! 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