The Microsoft co-founder has long been a proponent of population control to target the roots of poverty and unrest . The so-called Biological Threat Reduction Program finds and fights emerging global diseases that can threaten U.S. troops and, ultimately, the world's population. "We have 1 billion people hungry now and we are going to add 2.5 billion. Population Reduction Plan - Codex Alimentarius He who controls the Food, controls the World. Like animals have more rights than humans. This booklet is based on the Estimates and Projections of Family Planning Indicators 2019, which includes estimates at the global, regional and country level of contraceptive prevalence, unmet need for family planning and SDG indicator 3.7 ... Another Way of Reducing the World Population 5 BILLION HUMAN BEINGS TO BE MURDERED — New World Order :: The Plan Is In Progress RIGHT NOW !! The field of development economics has evolved since volume 3 of the Handbook of Development Economics was published more than a decade ago. ADVERTISEMENTS: Population Policy of India! Of course, when it comes to human civilization, the elites refer to themselves, without taking into account the remaining few billion people who are their slaves right now. by Stephen Martin It's a Great Reset and you and yours ain't in it.. Final Warning: A History of the New World Order, by David Allen Rivera. The book also presents a detail review of existing intervention studies on different health and population issues. Its topics, methodology and results have been critically discussed. More interestingly, his foundation has also invested millions in sterilization technologies that have been called a “temporary castration” solution. The goal is to reduce population in order to gain power only for the chosen ones. The population reduction plan is a NWO agenda using the environmental green movement as a facade to cover up it's real intentions on why it wants to reduce the world's human population to 500 million people because at the 19th and early 20th century that is exactly the number of people existing on earth at a time when THE COLONIAL EMPIRES IS AT IT'S HEIGHT so that it can regain it's selfish . The medical cartel, at the highest level, is not out to help people, it is out to harm them, to . This volume is therefore timely. It presents a comprehensive evaluation of the current situation and assesses future prospects. This book, as well as the other two books in the series, is intended to inform and help federal, state, and local governments, public health agencies, clinical care organizations, the private sector, and community-based organizations. The goal is to reduce population in order to gain power only for the chosen ones. Perhaps not coincidentally, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has funneled hundreds of millions of dollars into vaccine programs targeting people all over the world. Congruence of the Great Reset with Population Reduction Program, Such the Profit Profiled. Conveniently, their deaths could be blamed on the pandemic, thereby diverting blame from those who were really responsible for the plot. This group drafted the Carter administration's Global 2000 document, which calls for global population reduction, and the same apparatus is We publish Salish Sea modeling results and use these to inform future actions for protecting . October 27, 2014 by YNightingale. But in the US we have been doing the opposite. The 2019 revision of the World Population Prospects is the twenty-sixth edition of the official United Nations population estimates and projections, which have been prepared since 1951 by the Population Division of the Department of ... Viboud C, Simonsen L (2010) Does Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Increase the Risk of Illness with the 2009 A/H1N1 Pandemic Virus? Can you guess the fastest and easiest way to reduce those health care costs? The treaty’s been signed, it just hasn’t been enforced yet. Based on careful analysis of burden of disease and the costs ofinterventions, this second edition of 'Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries, 2nd edition' highlights achievable priorities; measures progresstoward providing ... In terms of giving, Gates did a 180-degree turn. Chromic diseases and maladies can be overcome by taking the remedies outlined in this book. They do not bother to point out to you that the planet cannot be hurt by C02 . The United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals imply that there is no longer any need to reduce global population growth, even though it is a serious problem that undermines most of the SDG targets. Researches discovered huge “wetlands” 2700 feet, According to one astrophysicist, the entire universe might be one giant alien. (Again, I am completely against such an approach because I value human life, but I also know we live in a world where the people in charge have little or no respect for human life and will readily sacrifice human lives to achieve their aims. Otherwise the population reduction effort wouldn't be very effective. This guide discussed the common plants that are grown in your backyard, but you don’t know the benefits of that plan which may help you to overcome any significant issues. Examines the problem of the unprecedented rise in the world's population, showing how overpopulation will force future generations to make difficult choices among the competing values of economic development, environmental quality, and ... Introduction: A positive population policy which aims at reducing the birth rate and ultimately stabilising the growth rate of population. The report analyzes countries by projected population size, GDP, defense budget, and more. Illuminism and the master plan for world domination. In this groundbreaking book, leading economist Steven Levitt—Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago and winner of the American Economic Association’s John Bates Clark medal for the economist under 40 who has made the ... Anthony Mundine Believes COVID-19 Vaccine Is An 'Evil Plan' To Reduce World's Population Published 3:13 , 11 May 2021 BST | Last updated 3:13 , 11 May 2021 BST Bill Clinton [disgraced & impeached U.S. President] signed the Bio Diversity treaty that said we need to reduce the earth’s population to 1 billion. Theoretically, widespread vaccination efforts could be followed by a deliberate release of a highly virulent flu strain with a high fatality rate. 6. 1 Comment, 5 BILLION HUMAN BEINGS TO BE MURDERED, New World Order, Reducing the World Population. You have to be deal with them together. Disaster Nursing Clinical Documentation Plan During COVID-19 Surge Emergency . If you want a battery chicken world where everyone has minimum space and food and everyone is kept just about alive you might be able to support in the long term about 4 or 5 billion people. Effective only when the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has approved this plan and the Hospital Command Center has separately and specifically activated this plan in writing and designated specific units subject to the plan, pursuant to the provisions . #3) They might increase the death rate from a future pandemic. A nice guy, that Phil.”, “BTW, Monsanto [international] is busy working on genetically modified foods. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1000259. Home Bill Gates and global elites plan a depopulation through the vaccines; A vaccine against the coronavirus already exists, but it is intentionally hidden to fearmonger the population even more . The Club of Rome, controlled by Europe's black nobility, is the primary promotion agency for the genocidal reduction of world population levels. When this happens, governments will declare it was just an accident and no one is to blame, but we know better what’s going on. March 2, 2020
But you already have 7 billion. If everybody started dropping dead within 24 hours of receiving the flu shot, the danger of vaccines would become obvious rather quickly and the vaccines would be recalled. Thus, if vaccines are to be used as an effective population reduction effort, there are really only three ways in which they might theoretically be “effective” from the point of view of those who wish to reduce world population: #1) They might kill people slowly in a way that’s unnoticeable, taking effect over perhaps 10 – 30 years by accelerating degenerative diseases. Do you know about the gift of nature to save the life of people from various health problems and make them feel secure by curing significant issues? Finally, governments, which serve the elite, will accept that the population will be exterminated so that they will no longer have problems with their financial debts in the future. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! They banned them in Europe. Required fields are marked *. Government and private debt collapse are close. From 2019-2021 we're evaluating different nutrient reduction scenarios and their potential to improve water quality. Agenda 21 termed already over two hundred years ago - indicates the completion phase during this century. It is an action plan devised by the U.N. and signed by 178 governments at the UN Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. If we exclude China (1.42 billion people, possible decline from 2030) and India (1.34 billion, possible decline after 2062), there is an alarming population increase in West Asia and Africa. United Nations plot to depopulate 95% of the world by 2030 Agenda 21 was United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Sustainable Development and was apparently developed as a means of restructuring the world population to lessen environmental impact and achieve an improved quality of life. Use propaganda against vitamins that help strengthen human immunity, vitamin D, zinc, and selenium. This statement by Bill Gates was not made with any hesitation, stuttering or other indication that it might have been a mistake. It was Gates to called together a group of Billionaires to sell his concerns about reducing the population in 2009. Tag Archives: population reduction plan Covid-19: Used by Satan and the Globalists to Reduce the Population. And what do you do with some people you can not exploit anymore because you just do not need them !? Current and Future Deer Management Issues. PLoS Med 7(4): e1000259. Finally, he offers a citizen’s blueprint for fighting back. Bad Food Bad Water Bad Drugs Bad Air What if these are all part of a global plot? NEW YORK—Mayor Bill de Blasio today announced a $32 million, multi-agency plan to reduce the city's rat population that targets the three most infested parts of city: the Grand Concourse area, Chinatown/East Village/Lower East Side and Bushwick/Bedford-Stuyvesant.This interagency initiative aims to reduce rat activity by up to 70 percent in the targeted zones by minimizing . It suddenly seems to make a lot of sense when you understand that reducing the population reduces CO2 emissions, and using more vaccines on more people increases the death rate of the population. Robotization will eliminate human work from production processes; under these conditions corporations will no longer need people. Some news websites speculate that a pandemic occurs almost every 100 years. Try to avoid being among those 10 to 15 percent who get culled through global vaccine programs. Be healthy and wise, and you’ll survive the world depopulation effort that victimizes conventional thinkers who don’t have the intelligence to question what they’re being told to do by their own corrupt governments. I know that may be hard to accept, but its true. If you guessed, “unleash a hard-kill pandemic that takes out a significant portion of the weak or sick people” then you guessed right. and the Council on Environmental Quality to Carter (first printed in Great Britain in 1982) However, the mass-genocide idea was . But 70% of everything you eat now contains genetically modified foods, causing all kinds of problems with health. Even you can plant it in your backyard to grow effective medicinal herbs to save the life of anyone without wasting your money and time. I would like to propose a law that forbids GLOBALISTS to reproduce….for the coming about 70 years….?? It’s even harder to wrap your head around what we must do to stop it. Agenda 21 - and the recent ones Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2050 - is a plan to depopulate 95% of the world population by 2030, according to More importantly, it is also a betrayal of your own biology, because it indicates you don’t believe in the ability of your own immune system to protect you even from mild infections. Planned population control including genocide is a difficult concept for Americans to accept. Because of this, the vast majority of the Earth’s population will become jobless and useless. 1. Sadly, killing off those most vulnerable to sickness could save the U.S. government literally billions of dollars in sick-care expenditures. The Government's population policy includes: 1. The Government has the Technology to Make Rain, so Why Don’t they Rain on the California Fires? ), As far as Bill Gates goes, consider his statement in the context of what we’ve discussed here: “The world today has 6.8 billion people… that’s headed up to about 9 billion. By adding a further SDG aimed at slowing the increase in population, the world could yet save the UN's 2030 Agenda. As you ponder this, also consider something else: The U.S. is going broke due to sick-care costs which are rising dramatically under the new federal health care reform guidelines. Wonders such as the Grand Canyon or the Victoria Falls, During a documented symposium carried out by NASA, Buzz Aldrin claimed that before their arrival the moon was already inhabited by other, In this article I added a video with a supposed time traveler, he says he went in the future, he spent 6, Recently, a group of experts claimed that there is a hidden world lying under frozen Antarctica. So we have to humanely and as rapidly as possible move to population shrinkage. I THINK WE…SHEEPLE… SHOULD START TO FIGHT BACK AGAINST THEM….WE LEAN BACK AND WONDER…..WE SHOULD ACT AGAINST THEM IF THEY ATTACK US ALL THE TIME…..THEY ARE COLD SATANISTS….BUT THEY HAVE PLANNED AND KNOW WHAT THEY DO TO US AND OUR PLANET…..!! The more draconian fertility reduction to a global one child per woman by 2100 (Scenario 3) resulted in a peak population size of 8.9 billion in 2056, followed by a decline to ∼7 billion by 2100 (i.e., a return to the 2013 population size) (Fig. The Lost Book of Remedies PDF contains a series of medicinal and herbal recipes to make home made remedies from medicinal plants and herbs. This will set us up to look at why at the philosophical level our present elites have landed on misanthropy and genocide as a human population reduction program, as the best possible solution. Posted on May 18, 2020 by Stephen Nielsen. We came up with 1.5 to 2 billion because you can have big active cities and wilderness. THE NOTORIOUS 2011 ARTICLE ON BILL GATES AND DEPOPULATION". The second situation favorable to the elite’s plans is that financial aid and unemployment benefits, and all kinds of pensions, will put increasing financial pressure on governments, and governments will borrow more money and will accumulate more debts that will be so great that in the end, no government will pay them anymore. Likewise, the UN has advocated for its Agenda 21 program that seeks to bring about . It has traditionally been sometimes referred to as population control. TRANSGENDERISM is another way of reducing the worldpopulation……transgenders are infertile !! 6. The Republican party is wildly in favour of more redistribution, of taking money from the poor and giving it to the rich. by Alex Newman January 2, 2014. In it, they predict a 70% reduction in the size of the United States population. There are many means and methods of depopulation that are being employed today, the 3 primary of which include; unsustainable/exploitative The general theme running through these theories is either that there is an imminent plan to reduce population using an overpopulation crisis as the pretext, or a secret eugenics plan cover-up. Plus, it would save Social Security yet more billions by avoiding ongoing monthly payouts. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. of the World Population Plan of Action is to help co-ordinate . It was discovered that sperm is damaged even from very low radiation rate at 0.00034- 0.07 micro-watt per centimeter, according to the BioInitiative 2012 Reoprt . The death casualties in today's World would represent 160 to 200 million in relative terms but more likely 300-400 million taking into consideration the air travel factor that did not exist one century ago. Coming soon, though.”, “Peter Singer [he’s a Princeton professor teaching your childrens] is the guy who wants to have abortions AFTER the baby’s born. In any case, choosing to receive a seasonal flu shot is undoubtedly an admission that you have failed some sort of universal IQ test, whether or not this is the intention of world influencers such as Bill Gates. Now we know it's warming and a problem for the beginning of the century; we didn't know about the loss of biodiversity. The astonishing 'conclusion' of this seemingly benign symposium was that over-population and excessive exploitation of the environment would result in the self- destruction of the earth by the year 2,000 or shortly thereafter This microwave radiation surrounds us and leads to decrease in fertility (sperm count decrease), which seemingly may be related to the depopulation agenda (See Agenda 21 ). Ethical and Legal Considerations in Mitigating Pandemic Disease: Workshop Summary as a factual summary of what occurred at the workshop. The elite will create one or more viruses that will infect us in different ways. The Club of Rome, the Limits to Growth, and the AIDS epidemic. 2021 Apr;77 (4):1086-1094. doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.120.16649. We have the threats now of vast epidemics". Toward the middle of this century, as deaths start to exceed births, changes will come that are hard to fathom." And - "All over the world, countries are confronting population stagnation and a fertility bust, a . The writer claims that his grandfather was taught herbalism and healing whilst in active service during world war two and that he has treated many soldiers with his home made cures. We have too much consumption among the rich and too little among the poor. ", Nuclear disaster or plague likely unless population shrinks and natural resources are reassigned to poor, says Prof Paul Ehrlich, Cut world population and redistribute resources, expert urges, Paul Ehrlich says we face 'catastrophic or slow motion' disasters unless population is brought under control and resources redistributed. Electronic Doomsday for the U.S.? Elite believe that these useless eaters must be exterminated like cockroaches so that the planet survives in the future. On the off chance you somehow are unaware of Codex Alimentarius, a very real plan to contol population, this MUST SEE is explained quite well by Dr. Rima Lai. "[They] multiply together. The "demographic dividend," for . Beyond global political scandals, the corporate elite (financial, military, industrial elite) plans to exterminate 90% of the world's earth's population to save the earth from the ecological disaster of overpopulation and to secure the elite a brilliant future at the cosmic level. Why viruses? It's hard to think of anything that will pop up and save us. Depopulation Quotes. As yet another beneficial side effect for the global population killers, the widespread deaths could be used as a fear tool to urge more people to get vaccinated yet again, and the entire cycle could be repeated until world population was brought down to whatever manageable level was desired… all in the name of health care! The big companies, whose heads are the richest - Facebook, Amazon, Alibaba, Apple, Alphabet et al all depend on increasing populations. All American People Need to See This – The Horrific New World Order Master Plan that has full UN approval. - Global Great Depression and Population Reduction by 2030 - MIT and The Club of Rome Prophecy. Drastic Population Reduction. This book describes a simple and practical credit-based system that can gradually reduce the size of any population to an optimal level without imposing an upper limit on the number of children a couple can produce, or an upper limit on the ... Reduction Of World Population By 80-90%. Your email address will not be published. 2. "Most of the predictions [in Population Bomb] have proved correct. - Gates Foundation Funds Surveillance of Anti-Vaccine Groups. David Attenborough: The planet can't cope with overpopulation. 5. You’ve got 28 days to decide if you want to keep it. From allowances and birthday money to cash they’ll one day earn babysitting or mowing lawns, The Squirrel Manifesto provides a platform to set your children on the path to a lifetime of fiscal responsibility. The naturalist David Attenborough once said the creature he finds " most extraordinary " is a nine-month-old human baby. Subsequently, Ted Turner and the other globlaists will be able to achieve their goals of reducing the world's population to a low of 500,000,000. However, robots are inexpensive and they do not require meals and medical insurance, nor leave holidays. The NEW WORLD ORDER! This is why he is so obsessed with population control. 1A). These elites don't want population reduction. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. By Peter Koenig Amazingly, The New York Times - 22 May 2021 - predicts massive population reduction over the next few decades. Conspiracy theories about depopulation of the Earth come in a number of flavors. Hypertension. They’ve already got the earth [including the United States Of America] divided up into regions. NIC 2008-003. November 2008. Global Trends 2025 is the fourth installment in the National Intelligence Council-led effort to identify key drivers and developments likely to shape world events a decade or more in the future. Alan Gregg [official for the Rockefeller Foundation] said the world has cancer and the cancer is man. Fertility control is an option in the Deer Management Plan for maintaining the deer population once deer density is reduced to 20 to 25 deer per square mile. Red areas are for animals only, no human beings allowed. I hope something will but it really will be a miracle. The Lost Book of Remedies is the revolutionary e-book which is suitable for one of the tools in survival kit because the creator of this program was mentioned lots of benefits about natural medicinal herbs and ingredients to make you feel safe, secure by protecting the health of yourself and dependents in any crisis. In other words, if you don’t even care enough about your own health to take care of your health, why should any government care about protecting your health, either? YOU ABSOLUTELY NEED THIS BOOK TO UNDERSTAND WHAT IS Integral to his plan were the introduction of a new "global religion", and population controls. In response to the Ninth District Federal Judges ruling requiring the Administration to put together a plan to reduce the prison . If vaccines are to be used to reduce world population, they obviously need to be accepted by the majority of the people. He then goes on to sa. This is why he is so obsessed with population control. I disagree with that approach, but it may be precisely what they are thinking. Chinese traveling from China to New York and around the World. Toward a Small Family Ethic sounds a clarion call for bioethics students and working bioethicists. At that time I wrote about climate change. Finally, he offers a citizen’s blueprint for fighting back. BAD FOOD • BAD WATER • BAD DRUGS • BAD AIR What if these are all part of a global plot? UN Unveils Plot to Reduce African Population. 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