The critical workforce management challenges of the immediate future driven by corporate re-engineering and restructuring efforts, loyalty concerns and fierce competition for key talents are closely linked to the emerging issues of employees’ commitment and productivity (Bandura 2000). ?Unimportant ? The types of motivation are intrinsic and extrinsic. What is unique about microfinance is that classes of people who would traditionally be seen as something barely above “worthless” by traditional banking institutions are able to receive loans that can help them become productive and profitable. Combined, they have more than 70 million borrowers, an equal number of savers, and a total loan portfolio estimated at $40 billion. Most . Am called Davis Kamoga. All the variables were significant (p. Would you like to get a custom essay? The economics professor Mohammad Yunus and the founder of Grameen Bank were awarded the Nobel Prize 2006 for his efforts. This encourages employees to take positive actions leading to rewards. As Grameen Banks puts it on their website: “We turn poverty into a virtuous circle of low income, injection of credit, investment, more income, more savings, more investment, and then more income.”. Mission and Vision . Table 2 Sample of the Study Governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton supported the Good Faith Fund, one of the early U.S. microenterprise programs. In a 2001 audit by the Wall Street Journal, Grameen Bank had 20% of its outstanding loans showing as being a year or more overdue. According to Armstrong (2007) motivation is goal-oriented behavior. Four key factors determine these rates; the cost of funds, MFIs operating expenses, loan losses and profits . 2.1.2 The Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory Of little importance ? Thus corporations can attract employees who have competency and qualification by offering rewards. Required fields are marked *. This can lead to positive outcomes, ensuring more loans are provided to the world's poorest and more efficiently. This first volume, 'Sustainable Finance for the Poor', focuses on the shift from government- and donor-subsidized credit systems to self-sufficient microfinance institutions providing voluntary savings and credit services. There are more than 10,000 microfinance institutions in the world today. The Grameen Bank is an organization that is dedicated to microfinance. It is in line with this background that the study wishes to determine the level of awareness and impact on microfinance institutions among the residents of Nairobi County. Navigate through your account, make payments easily and conveniently using . Table 8 Importance of Career Development on Employee Motivation Chindanya (2011) found out that a good and conducive environment was an important form of intrinsic reward in an organisation. The basic needs according to the theory are physiological and safety needs like food, water, warmth, rest, security and safety. THE BACKGROUND OF MICROFINANCE A. With a microloan or another form of microcredit, it allows an individual to feel the responsibility of being an entrepreneur. 2.1.1 Motivation Theory according to Maslow. Eating and smoking facilities 16 13 6 3 1 1.97 0.17 Of little importance ? From the table below, R is the correlation coefficient which shows the relationship between the study variables, from the findings shown in the table below there was a strong positive relationship between the study variables as shown by R 0.887 at 5% significance level. Objectives of the Study Between 1900 to 1906 when they founded the first caisse, they passed a law governing them in the Quebec assembly , they risked their private assets and must have been very sure about the idea about microcredit. A learning organization is viewed as one that has capacity for integrating people and structure to move an organization in the direction of continuous learning and change. iv. Found insideThis book using household long panel survey of 1991/92-2010/11 from Bangladesh addresses some of criticisms—including whether pushing microfinance has made it redundant as a tool for poverty reduction—while investigating whether it ... The company was incorporated primarily to take over the . Loans to poor people without any financial security had appeared to be an impossible idea. Yunus was determined to find a practical solution to help small villages struggling in the midst of a mighty famine. In contrast, there was insignificant relationship between extrinsic rewards and employee motivation in non-profit organization of Australia (Tippet & Kluvers, 2009). Job rotation 3 5 4 8 19 3.90 0.17 Background History and Context The founding principles of microfinancing and its implementation are seen in US foreign policy during the Cold War as a means to destabilise populist movements against US-led capitalism in Latin America. Chandaran (2008), states that the research design is an understanding of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a way that combines their relationships with the research to the economy of procedures. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Microfinance institutions main objective is to provide low and medium income households with financial services. The study was carried out in year from June to August 2018. Model Microfinance is a grown-up global brand now, and some of the shine has worn off. 2.3 Empirical Review The interest rates that are charged by many microfinance institutions, including Grameen Bank, are very high compared to what traditional banks charge in interest. Reward systems according to Sziligyi (2003) are outcomes or events in the organization that satisfy work related needs. From the figure below it is clear that the majority of the respondents as shown by 58.97% indicated that they were males whereas 41.03% of the respondents indicated that they were females, this is an indication that both genders were involved in finding out the role of reward systems in employee motivation at Rafiki Bank Kenya. This multi-disciplinary book uses cases studies and field research to present these rapid innovations, useful for scholars, investors and practitione. Generally, the reward system is accompanied by several actions both from the viewpoint of the corporation and the individual. 1 .887 .787 .752 .26548 ii. Development from below also serves to advance democracy and human rights. Currently, the reward programs are implementing either in public or private sectors. These folks, who are often either living in poverty or at the brink of it, would normally be excluded from the traditional banking industry. The microfinance sector was served by cooperatives (1950-1960s) and normal banks (1970-1980s) until 1980, when a number of pilot projects and initiatives were implemented to introduce the financial and banking services to help poor and women. The book describes the evolving Latin American microfinance model. In a region of great inequality and economic instability, microfinance is a capitalist paradox. The private investment he attracts gets lost, with all what it means for his life. The text goes deeper under the surface of the methodology of modern microfinanciers and the way the deceive the credulous westerners. Yunus and Grameen Bank are founded on the idea that a loan is a better way to stop poverty than simple charity. For example, salary will be paid based on qualification and work experience. He pulled out his wallet, loaned the money to these women without interest, and this helped them be able to move away from the local traders. 2.2.2 4.2.5 Respondents position in the organization According to Maslow (1943), hierarchy determined human needs. Career development management and coaching/mentoring 2 5 8 9 15 3.77 0.12 It is therefore necessary to have a workforce that is motivated to yield high performance and productivity towards achieving the organizational goals and objectives. Learning Opportunities 0.736 4. The secondary data sources was used whereby use of previous document or materials to support the data received from questionnaires and information from interview that were include newspapers, books and magazines available in the libraries were visited as well as information from the websites. Table 6 Rate of Intrinsic rewards on Employee Motivation This is because the interest charge only makes up a small proportion of the input cost a micro-business faces. In addition, advance statistical techniques (inferential statistics) will also be considered. They have proved that even those who are in abject poverty have the ability to bring about their own development. According to Microworld, some micro-businesses are paying an interest rate that is as high as 847%. Important ? Herzberg’s Motivator-Hygiene theory or the dual-factor theory was modified from Maslow’s theory. The purpose of this project, run by EMN and supported by J.P.Morgan, is to deliver Technical Assistance to a selection of MFIs in order to build their . This was a shift that first started taking place in the 1980s and 1990s. The year 2005 was proclaimed as the International year of Microcredit by The Economic and Social Council of the United Nations in a call for the financial and building sector to âfuelâ the strong entrepreneurial spirit of the poor people around the world. Lower level management 51 0.5 25 Of little importance ? This book provides an overview of the microfinance sector in Africa, reviews the performance and impact of microfinance institutions in the region, and outlines some of the opportunities and challenges that African microfinance has on hand. Grameen Bank, for example, offers financial products for investors to consider that are guaranteed by the Government of Bangladesh. The book provides an overview of microfinance by addressing a range of issues, including lessons from informal markets, savings and insurance, the role of women, the place of subsidies, impact measurement, and management incentives. Nzuve (1999) found out that respondent period of service in an organization is necessary for him or her to have better understanding of the organization. 90% of its loans with interest income and deposits are aligned to the interests of new borrowers and shareholders. It is known worldwide that the poor cannot borrow from the banks. It is a community development bank that was founded in Bangladesh to provide small loans to those in need without the requirement of collateral in return. VisionFund microfinance is an institution that helps its customers become economically self-sustainable by providing financial services to the productive poor in the rural and urban areas of Ethiopia. To determine how motivation among employees of Kenyan deposit taking microfinance institutions gets affected by extrinsic reward The structured questions was used in an effort to conserve time and money as well as to facilitate in easier analysis as they were in an immediate usable form; while the unstructured questions were used so as to encourage the respondents to give an in-depth and felt response without feeling held back in revealing of any information. The study also found that the employees who deliver higher targets receive more benefits than those who don’t. 2.8 4.8 Regression Analysis Employee appreciation 0 2 5 18 14 4.13 0.20 Group-based lending methodology is the main system of delivery of microfinance services, although commercial banks and a number of MFIs offer loans to individual clients. Rafiki Microfinance Bank limited is a microfinance institution in Kenya. As motivation concern, reward system is an important tool for management use as the channel of employees’ motivation. 2.5.1 Research Design Microfinance Institutions; Microfinance Deposit Taking Institutions; Representative Offices; Leasing Companies; Payment Systems. Presents an analysis of a survey carried out among 22 microfinance institutions worldwide and among a sample of their clients (who employ at least one person). Mean Standard Deviation Part of the reason behind the high interest rates has to do with the amount of risk that is involved in giving out a loan. Organizations that have prioritized learning and development have found increases in employees’ job satisfaction, productivity, and profitability (Watkins ; Marsick, 2003). According to Mugenda and Mugenda (2003), a response rate of 50% is adequate for analysis and reporting; a rate of 60% is good and a response rate of 70% and over is excellent. Implementing training effectively provides an evident source of return on investment at the bottom line of a company. That vision can not be realised by means of micro-credit alone. This response rate was satisfactory to make conclusions on the role of reward systems in employee motivation in Rafiki Bank Kenya. Look for businesses in microfinance to begin tackling social issues as well, empowering those in social businesses to resolve social problems around the world. Target population is the specific population about which information is desired. The project was also a winner of the World Habitat Award. Salary, bonus and allowance were three major features in extrinsic rewards (Tang, 2007). Reliability of the questionnaire was evaluated through Cronbach’s Alpha which measures the internal consistency. The purpose of reward systems is to provide a systematic way to deliver positive consequences. The variables under the study would be intrinsic rewards, extrinsic rewards, career development and learning opportunities. Feeling well informed 1 3 7 11 17 4.03 0.16 Significance of the Study When a charitable gift is given, there is no need to take a personal initiative in the final product being delivered. In the above table extrinsic rewards had the highest reliability (?=0.845) followed by career development (?=0.841), intrinsic rewards had (? From the figure below on the age of the respondents, the study requested the respondents to indicate their age category, from the findings, it is clear that most of the respondents as shown by 38.46% indicated that they were aged between 30 to 39 years, 20.51% of the respondents indicated 40 to 49 years, whereas 10.26% of the respondents indicated they were aged 50-59 years, this is an indication that respondents were well distributed in term of their age. In addition to conformation of employees’ perception, characteristics such as fairness of the reward and wage system are regarded as legal standards in any country to provide their needs (Mujtaba, 2010). “self-esteem” or “self-worth”. Proper planning and management of human resources within the banking industry is essential to increase the capabilities, motivation and overall effectiveness of employees. 2.1.1 4.1.2 Reliability Analysis It has been noted that motivation tends to energize the workforce which can result in their expected job performance. My savings account started with under 200,000 Ugshs and has now grown to over 4million to date . Yunus discovered that small loans could make a significant difference in a poor person's survival. Microfinance institutions can be traced back as long as the middle 1800s when the theorist Lysander Spooner was writing over the benefits from small credits to entrepreneurs and farmers as a way of getting the people out of poverty. 2 03 ABSTRACT 04 1.INTRODUCTION 04 2.BACKGROUND 04 2.1 Severity and Spread of the Pandemic in Europe 05 2.2 COVID-19 and Microfinance: A Global Perspective 06 2.3 Emerging from the Crisis in Europe 06 3. According to Erik and Marko (2011) sampling is the process of selecting a number of individuals for a study in such a way that the individual represents a larger group from which they are selected. It was developed by psychologist Frederick Herzberg, who theorized that job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction act independently of each other. 2.6 4.6 Career Development on Employee Motivation This is supported by the study of Nandanwar, Surnis and Nandanwar (2010) which found that non-monetary rewards positively associate with employees motivation. (Microned) #2. LinkedIn with Background Education This allowed the project to continue expanding and by 1983, it would be transformed into an independent bank through government legislation. There are more than 10,000 microfinance institutions in the world today. How does motivation among employees of Kenyan deposit taking microfinance institutionsis get affected by intrinsic reward? From the findings on the organisation regard to employee motivation, the study found that Career development management and coaching/mentoring is a great component of employee motivation as shown by mean of 3.74, explicit rewards is an important component as shown by the mean of 3.69, intrinsic reward is important as shown by mean of 3.62 while learning opportunities are important as shown by the mean of 3.46. Succession planning 2 4 5 9 19 4.00 0.17, 2.6.2 4.6.2 How Career Development and Coaching Improve Performance of Organisation Rewards systems are much more than just bonus plans and stock options but while they often include intrinsic incentives, they also include extrinsic types like promotions, non- monetary bonuses, vacation holidays or simple “thank you” from a manager. Neutral ? The Association of Microfinance Institutions of Uganda (AMFIU) is an umbrella organisation of microfinance institutions (MFIs) in Uganda, founded in November 1996. According to the World Bank, there are more than 500 million economically active poor individuals in the world operating microenterprises and small businesses, and most of them do not have access to financial services. Most employees are motivated when their expectations regarding goal attainment can be clearly liked to specific anticipated actions on part of management. 86 employees were the interest of the population that consisted of the management staffs at Rafiki Kenya head office and Tom Mboya street branch. Yet despite these many positives, there are some critics who make valid points about the microfinance industry which should be discussed. Microfinance has received a lot of attention since . Rewards include systems, programs and practices that influence the actions of people. Descriptive research design was also chosen because it enables the researcher to generalise the findings to a larger population. If you’re paying a high interest rate on a loan that amounts to about $100 in US equivalency on a weekly or monthly basis over a long period of time, the actual amount due is quite small. The main focus of this thesis paper is the examination of the operational self-sufficiency (OSS) among microfinance institutions (MFIs) and the model is testing several factors that determine this financial performance measure. The study will be guided by the following research objectives: When deposits are made in villages, the project converts those funds into loans for those who are needy in other villages. In a reward program, large amount of money are spent. From the figure below on the academic qualification of the respondents, the study requested the respondents to indicate their academic qualification, from the findings, the study found that most of the respondents as shown by 53.85% indicated that they had degrees, 23.08% indicated they had a post graduate qualification, 17.95% indicated they had a diploma, whereas 5.13% of the respondents indicated they had high school education qualification. Overview; Membership & Process; Type of Payment Instruments. Generally defined as small lending to the rural poor in developing countries, microfinance has made great strides in the latter half of the 20th century. Overview; Cash & Checks; Electronic Payment Order; Payment Card . The national microfinance bank (NBM) was registered by the registrar of companies and operates under the supervision of the Bank of Tanzania in the prudential supervision and licensing. al. Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Microfinance (MF) has grown over the last two decades into an important sub-field of development studies. It is led to tensions for the corporation. Further, Hafiza et al., (2011) revealed that there was a positive relationship between extrinsic rewards and employee motivation in non-profit organization of Pakistan. At that time a new wave of microfinance initiatives introduced many new innovations into the sector. In essence, there are more to a manager’s role in motivating employees other than compensation, good working conditions, and similar factors. Motivation approaches definitely satisfy the needs of the employees and in return, the employee repays it through their hard work. Residual 7.854 34 0.231 Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Each phase represents entry of new institutional forms and structures in the Pakistani microfinance sector. The purpose of the 'Microfinance Handbook' is to bring together in a single source guiding principles and tools that will promote sustainable microfinance and create viable institutions. Table 3 Reliability Analysis In the United States, microfinance is a relatively newer concept, taking its first strides in the 1970s, with an increased awareness of the need to create a system where financial services are . 2.1.3 The Theory of Equity Third assumption is that when people believe that their own treatment is not equitable, relative to the exchange they perceive others to be making, they will be motivated to take actions they deem appropriate. ii. (2005) stated that feelings of inequitable treatment tend to occur when “people believe they are not receiving fair returns for their efforts and other contributions.” The challenge therefore for organizations is to develop reward systems that are perceived to be fair and equitable and distributing the reward in accordance with employee beliefs about their own value to the organization. The vision of the policy is to establish a viable and sustainable private micro-finance market with the government providing a supporting and appropriate policy environment and institutional framework for the orderly development of the microfinance sub-sector. Interests charged on loans is the main source of income for these institutions, and because they incur huge costs, the rates are correspondingly high. “Intrinsic motivation is a psychological force that determines the direction of a person’s behaviour as a result of challenging or interesting work, giving autonomy to work, designed scope to develop skills, abilities, opportunity to develop and grow, etc. Grameen Bank wants its employees to be able to appreciate the potential that every person has. Source: Rafiki Kenya Bank (2018) 1.1 Background of the study. Support for young entrepreneurs and lessons learned Financing young entrepreneurs through microfinance institutions (MFIs) In order to meet the challenge of job creation for young people in Sub-Saharan Africa, ADA has gradually established partnerships with microfinance institutions since 2011, in order to offer young entrepreneurs financial services (credit and savings) coupled with non . They offer loans to the poor who may not be able to make monthly payments right away. When the size and scope of microfinance began to be uncovered, the institutions involved in lending determined that relying on grants wouldn’t allow for the sheer number of people who could benefit from these products. The descriptive statistical tools will help the researcher to describe the data and determine the extent used. More and more attention is being paid to motivational aspects of human personality, particularly the need for self-esteem, group belonging and self-actualization. From the table below, reliability analysis was subsequently done using Cronbach’s Alpha which measures the internal consistency by establishing if certain item within a scale measures the same construct. Starting Jobra where Yunus made his first loan, this project incorporated neighboring villages from 1976-1979 to expand the provision of banking services to the rural poor of the region. 2.5.4 Data Collection This is consistent with Deci, Koestner and Ryan (2004) which found that the extrinsic rewards had a significant negative effect on intrinsic motivation. (Microned) #2. This doesn’t mean that charity doesn’t have a place in the world – it does. In this study, a multiple regression analysis was conducted to test the influence among predictor variables. The factor of intrinsic rewards is less applicable in organizations to increase the work motivation. Unimportant ? In ascending order Physiological Needs, Safety Needs, Social Needs, Esteem Needs and Self-actualization Needs. From the findings on the importance of extrinsic rewards on employee motivation, the study found that medical aid benefits is important as shown by a mean of 4.26, retirement benefits are important as shown by the mean of 4.21, good working environment is important as shown by a mean 4.08, job security and organisation’s closeness to amenities is important as shown by mean of 3.85, fuel benefit is important as shown by a mean of 3.72, parking availability is important as shown by a mean of 3.62, cell phone benefits are important as shown by a mean of 3.44 while eating and smoking facilities are not important as shown by a mean of 1.97. That $27 0% interest loan that Yunus first offered has encouraged many more women to explore their own talents. Development of competence 2 3 8 14 12 3.79 0.14 Scholarships 2 4 8 13 11 3.62 0.12 Concerning the intrinsic rewards of motivation, the study on comparing the impact of financial and non-financial rewards towards organizational motivation Zani et al., (2011) found that the best way to motivate employees is to use non-financial incentive. Cronbach’s alpha methodology, which is based on internal consistency, was used. . 104761. The intrinsic reward system was created purposely to appreciate employees in form of self-esteem and related to their feeling of achievement and growth with organization. No longer is the cycle of having a low income mean having low savings levels and low investment opportunities. Locally, studies on reward includes Njoroge (2012) who studied the relationship between reward systems and employee motivation amongst the civil service employees of the Kenyan Government, the results of the study showed that rewards given to civil servants affected the employee level of motivation and resulted in improved performance of the Ministry but not necessarily in individual employee performance in the public sector. Another study performed by Baer, Oldham and Cummings (2003) showed that extrinsic rewards were positive for employees occupying simple tasks and negative for employees facing jobs that were complicated and challenging. To determine how motivation among employees of Kenyan deposit taking microfinance institutions gets affected by career development options Job security 2 3 6 16 12 3.85 0.15 Microfinance refers to the process of providing loans, insurance, savings, money transfers among other banking services to the poor living in rural and urban areas. It started with two branches in 2011; today it has 18 branches all over Kenya. Unimportant ? As he toured the region, he noticed in the village of Jorba that a group of women were making bamboo stools. 1.0 Background Of The Study International aid donors, government, scholars and other development experts have paid attention to microfinance as a strategy capable of reaching women, individuals and involving them in the development process and eradicating poverty. Microfinance involves supplying financial services and products to disadvantaged populations that are excluded from the traditional banking system. In addition to the regular operational costs that must be covered by microcredit products, a microfinance institution must also be able to cover the following costs. A properly administered system of rewards has the capacity not only to improve incentives for quality workmanship and staff performance but also strategically attract skilled employees to join the organization whereas the reverse may lead to unproductive performance and even to a high incidence of staff turnover.With regards to the various steps of performance appraisal under rewards systems, it is evident that employees and supervisors would come into terms with goals and policy framework of the organization and develop personalized non-salaried based rewards that correlate with the specific objectives (Wilson, 2004). Torrington and HaII (2008) agree and point out that due to their use of labour intensive activities and increasing competition within the industry, financial services in general and micro finance institutions in particular have embarked on considerable investment in training to motivate employees. These job factors were classified by Herzberg into two broad categories, Hygiene Factors and Motivational Factors. “Micro” simply refers to the smaller amounts of money that are being saved, spent, and borrowed within each transaction. Today, the borrowers from the bank own 90% of its shares, with the other 10% being owned by the government. Organizations provide rewards system to encourage their employees deliver good job performance. General Objective What microfinance proves is that when people are given an opportunity to do something better and they have one chance to get things right, they almost always get it right. Cooper and Schindler (2003) notes that the use of percentages is important for two reasons; first they simplify data by reducing all the numbers to range between 0 and 100. Financial benefits 2 4 7 8 18 3.92 0.16 For example by achieving the targets sales, marketing executive was received monetary incentive (Lowery et al., 2002). The National Association of Microfinance Banks (NAMB) is the apex body of all licensed Microfinance banks in Nigeria after the CBN harmonized intervention to strengthen the two existing associations in the sector: National Association of Microfinance Banks of Nigeria (NAMFBIN) and Association of Microfinance Banks in Nigeria (AMBIN . Theorized that job satisfaction, however, few groups of poor people benefited! Annual report for 2007 theory states that there are an estimated 1.5 billion people who are illiterate and.! Respondents were involved in the field of microfinance are also guaranteed by a backing government evolving! Kenya limited and entrepreneurship in India more benefits than those who don ’ t an! Like to get out and experience what poverty is like this paper offers a perspective. The workplace that cause job satisfaction, while a separate set of factors cause dissatisfaction are estimated! 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